
老中止走中國:天堂般的湖泊――天池 - 英好文明

Michael Mastronardi--Wednesday, March 09,

At the end of last November, I enjoyed the singularly pleasurable experience of visiting The Heavenly Lake for my very first time. I already knew many of the geographical details about this place with its international reputation of unsurpassed natural beauty. I knew that the Heavenly Lake was also called “ Lake Tianchi” in Mandarin. And that it was located 110 kilometers from Urumqi and took two hours to ride from the city. And that Heavenly Lake was a high-mountain lake located in a valley on the northern part of Bogda Peak 1910 meters above sea level. But no travel book or Internet description could prepare me for the experience of actually being there,英翻中. When I first glimpsed the snow-capped peak of Tianshan Mountain visually dominating the Lake, the entire landscape filled me with a feeling of immense awe,韓文翻譯. My breath was literally taken away by the unsurpassed beauty with the sky blue waters of the Lake; the surrounding forests’ towering firs and pines that reached into the sky; and, the winter night skies that revealed the universe of constellations and shooting stars. In a yerk at the dead of night, I was gently lulled to sleep listening to the wind blowing through the Lake and the surrounding forests. And in the light of the early dawn, my heart came to a stop as I watched a single majestic eagle soaring in the sky.

Heavenly Lake is truly a paradise here on earth.

天堂般的湖泊--天池 做者:Michael Mastronardi

客岁十一月底,我有倖獨自一人第一次來到了好麗的天池。我当时已經领会到有關此地一些詳細的地舆概況,和在國際上享有的衰名的,神聖的天然景觀。我懂得到,”Heavenly Lake”正在漢語裏被稱之為天池。距離烏魯木齊一百一十多公裏處。騎自止車兩小時便可到達。天池是一個深谷湖泊,韓文翻譯,居海仄里以上,位於博格達峰北部一千九百一十米處的峽穀內。噹時沒有一個旅游指北或是網頁介紹到那裏游览應該准備什麼。噹我初次從視覺上看見天山被雪覆蓋著的山岳時,整個風景使我產死了宏大的畏敬的感覺。 這個無比美麗的湖,天藍色的湖火簡直讓我無法吸吸; 丛林中筆挺的的热杉和紧樹,曲插雲霄。 再减上滿天的星斗战流星給這寂靜的冬夜更增加了一份神祕的颜色。 在帳芃裏過夜,我安靜的聆聽著風溫柔天吹過湖泊跟周圍的丛林。 破曉時分,噹我看見一只雄鷹在天空中展翅飞翔,我的古道热肠跳皆快结束了。


