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旅遊論文翻譯 跨文明旅遊翻譯 旅遊口譯 旅遊導遊口譯 旅遊伴随口譯


旅遊筆譯: 华硕翻譯社專業旅遊翻譯社,譯員有多年的旅遊筆譯經驗,對各旅遊産品、旅遊开同、旅遊的行業的專業術語等方面都有壹定的理解,並且總結壹套旅遊翻譯方面的術語庫。

旅遊口譯: 华硕翻譯社台灣旅遊翻譯社配備有英語旅遊口譯、日語旅遊口譯、韓語旅遊口譯、德語旅遊口譯、法語旅遊口譯等多語種的旅遊口譯人員,他們有屡次旅遊方面的伴随口譯經驗。






從前有一個小島,它冤屈地背上帝訴苦:“上帝呀,你為什麼要把我弄的這麼小呢,世界上任何一座山脈都比我下,我只能費力地俯視他們。上帝呀,你選擇把我變成喜馬推俗山或是毀滅我吧!”天主就說:“您看看你腳下的大陆,占天球的四分之三的里積。也就是說你比四分之三的地盘都要高,為什麼還要埋怨呢?”小島慚愧地低下了頭。其實我們就是這樣,常常能看到比自己好的東西,卻永遠看不到自己擁有的東西。我們正在同步心譯場上英文口譯也是這樣的,我們應該晓得本人的優勢地点,揚長避短。 每個人皆有自己擅長跟不擅長的東西,口譯人員呢也有本身擅長和不擅長的領域。比方說有的同步口譯者喜歡文學之類的東西,那麼他仄時對此就涉獵许多。那麼他的翻譯風格就比較溫婉,比較有文學的感覺。那麼他就是適合文學翻譯、或是演講的場合。有的人喜歡政治,那麼他就會對此關注的特別多,也會有许多的政治觀點。那麼他就適合翻譯會議等嚴肅的場合,說不定還能表達出本身的政治觀點。有人喜歡科技,那麼他就會看良多的科技文獻,也會理解良多的專業名詞,這時候他就能够重要缺席一些科技場开。這便是充足發揚本人的優勢,应用自己的優勢能力百戰百勝。 當然除看到自己的優勢以外,也要防止自己的劣勢,或說是消除自己劣勢的干擾。只要這樣揚長避短才干在同步口譯時讓英文口譯中破於不敗之地。 华硕翻譯社(旗下华硕)翻譯社(http://www.5sister.tw)轉載請有名出處   最專業的翻譯社 华硕翻譯社(旗下华硕)企業翻譯社:http://www.5sister.tw 連絡電話:02-2369-0932客服疑箱:t0989298406@gmail.com   华硕翻譯社(旗下华硕)翻譯社推薦相關文章閱讀: 同步口譯战逐渐口譯的必備英文條件 杯子只是杯子之同步口譯英文口譯 怎樣成為一位優秀同步口譯的英文人員  


President Bush Meets with Mali President Amadou Touré - 英語演講

February 12, 2008

PRESIDENT BUSH: It's been a honor and a pleasure to wele the President of Mali here to the Oval Office.

We discussed a variety of issues. I was touched by the President's concern about the life of the average citizen in Mali. We are partners with the -- with the President and the people of Mali, through the Millennium Challenge Account. And one reason we worked with the government is because they've agreed to fight corruption, and support the education and health of its citizens. This is a country that's mitted to the rights of its people, and we're proud to be standing side-by-side with you.

Two issues that are very important to this administration, Mr. President, were the issues that my wife, Laura, discussed when she came to your country. One is literacy, and two is the eradication of malaria. And I assured the President that our mitment remains strong to both important issues. And I thank him very much for his hard work in helping his citizens deal with HIV/AIDS.

And finally, the President and I spent a fair amount of time talking about the dangers of radicals and extremists associated with groups like al Qaeda. And we talked about the need for close cooperation to protect the innocent people from those who murder the innocent in order to achieve their dark political vision.

So it's been my honor to wele a good man here to the Oval Office.

PRESIDENT TOURÉ : (As translated.) First of all, I would like to convey to the President of the United States the sympathies and solidarity of the people of Mali because of the destruction --


PRESIDENT TOURÉ -- caused by the tornados in some of the southern states of the United States.

And then I told Mr. President that we were sensitive and impressed by the impression that we had from the visit of Mrs. Laura Bush to Mali sometime ago. Also, thank the President for the -- our friendship between the people of the United States and the people of Mali, and the cooperation between Mali and the United States that we do entertain on both sides since the independence of Mali in 1960.

But I could also e to the United States just to tell Mr. President, thank you, because the President had some initiatives not only for Mali, but also for Africa, which we believe are historical initiatives, and which we do have the Millennium Challenge Corporation, the greater participation against the fight against AIDS through the Global Fund, the initiative on the eradication of malaria, and not to forget the presidential initiative on literacy in Africa, which is very important in our view, because when you want to develop you need to also improve basic education.

PRESIDENT BUSH: That's right.

PRESIDENT TOURÉ : So I emphasized to the President that -- and I reaffirm -- that Mali signed and Mali averred to all different initiatives on the fight against terrorism. So it is humanly inadmissable, unacceptable to see or to assist or to be indifferent to the suggestion that we are seeing to some practices which really do not deserve to exist.

So we had a fruitful exchange of views on our cooperation. So I said to Mr. President that I would like to thank him and also to convey all the gratitude of the people of Mali, but I emphasized also the fact that may God save Mali and the United States. President, thank you very much.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you, sir.

END 10:42 A.M. EST