
譯海拾貝 最完善笑颜的黃金比例(雙語) - 英語指導


所寻求的完善浅笑應該隱躲牙床,拒絕漂白牙齒,掩蓋最裏里的牙齒並且他們的嘴唇要達到开適的角度。“最完好的笑颜是每個人夢寐以供的,潔西卡 辛普森是我們所晓得的能笑的最完善的人”,Loma Lida 年夜壆的醫壆院的戴維斯 僧古推斯博士說。


Dentists and researchers have e up with the formula for the perfect smile, from the size and width of each tooth to the curve, colour and shape of the teeth, and the overall width of the smile.

  Those pursuing perfection are advised to hide their gums, hold back on the bleach, cover the bottom teeth and set their lips at just the right angle."Everyone wants the perfect smile and Jessica Simpson is the one we get asked to reproduce the most," says Dr Nicholas Davis of Loma Linda University School of Dentistry.

  According to the report, colour is important, and too many are now bleached too white. Dr Davis said: "The teeth should be the same colour as the whites of your eyes. If the teeth are too white, they bee more dominant than the eyes."There are strict mathematical ratios governing the ideal smile, says Dr Davis. Its width should be no less than half the of the face at the same height and, for the best effect, both upper and lower lips need to be symmetrical each side of the mid-line of the face.

